Friday, April 17, 2009

Rock on project blog

OK we have been doing this Rock on project for what feels like the longest time in the history of time, but it is a pretty interesting project and a very vital and cooperative learning experience. Me and my partner Sean Burke had to learn how to market ourselves as a new up and coming jazz band and had to learn how to work as one business entity. In the project to market ourselves we had to use a very well thought mix of the marketing mix and the 7 key functions of marketing. This was a long drawn out process that required us to us 12 assignments to complete this. This project allowed me personally to become a manager in the real business world and see how it worked in real life it requires team work, cooperation, and a long thought process.
The first thing that we had to start off doing was creating a catchy band name, genera and slogan for the desired market that we wanted to target. So we named our band Amplified Sound and our genera is Jazz. Our band was made of a unique duo of a trumpet and a saxophone. This required us to be a new up and coming band in the music world we chose a tough road by doing this because we had no kind of established fan base nor could we play at many major venues like arenas or stadium like other big bands, but instead we had to play from jazz club to jazz club across the united states on our tour. This became quite a hassle because we had to search long and hard to find clubs in local areas.
Along with the locations we had to mix the 4 P's of product price place and promotion we had to find a way to do all of this and set them to be successful in the project. We figured out of this immediatly exept for the prices.
We also had to blend the Seven Key Functions in exceptionally unique way as well. We had to blend all of the things that we learned in our S&EM class to our advantage. This was a very knowgeable project and let me see how the real business world operateid and did i mention that we only had two people in our team while the rest of the groups had three which put us at an even greater disadvantage as far as work wise.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My SpringBreak

The spring break of 2009 was not my favorite break of the school year it was extremely boring and i really wouldn't want to relive it. The start of spring break I sat around the house just waiting for my cousin to come and pick me up because my mom took the car so i had no means of self transportation. But when he came we went to my other cousin's house and just chilled the day there. The following days we went job hunting boy that was a long process but if i get a good job it will prove worth the time because you know what they say time is money. And when i went back home i called my girlfriend and we went to the movies to see Last house on the left not the best movie I've seen, but o.k. That's my spring break i hope reading it was as boring to you as living it was to me. I hate spring break. Now all i have left is summer vacation. Ya digg.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well a little bit about me i am a very laid back person and i really dont like getting all riled up over nothing or excited over small issues, but i will fight what i believe in strongly and will be very hard pressed to give it up if I think that it works and is effective. My favorite t.v. show is Fresh Prince of Bel-Air i think that is was very appeling to situations that people were going through then and that it funny and i like to laugh. I'm a hip-hop head and a rap fanatic i am jus a big fan of the music but i only listen to good music I am starting to listen to a little bit of rock though.
My favorite subject in school is business and entertainment marketing i like the class because i think that it is a class that i can do good in because i plan on going in to marketing after graduate and am currently preparing to run a business and do a little bit of marketing for myself. I think that this class will give me a good head start on the rest of my competetors and give me a marketing edge because i will know how to follow the trends and blend the mix. I do not know yet if this is a subject area in which i will excel but i am very good at selling things if that is any indication on how i will do.
I believe that my strenghts are that i am a hard worker when i am motivated to do something or that it is important to me and that i am strong minded and also i am very business minded with a lot of confidence. But i have a few weaknesses to i can be very soft spoken at time and also closed minded with some of my ideas and can tend to stray away from people that i dont know.
I never study for test because i believe that if you already know the material on the test or if the instructor taught the material on the test correctly then u should be ready for anything that is on the test.
What i would like to take away most from this class is how to do and use succesful marketing and operate a successful business from the inside out and expand a small company into a empire from top to bottom.
i think that all the work that we do in teams should be divided equally amongst the team memembers according to their strenghts as well as their work ethic.
I would make a great team member simply because I get the job done and i know how to work hard and do it rite the first time as well as the last time.